Residential & Commercial Plots In Phulera-Jaipur,Rajasthan

Lake View City is a dream envisaged by Am Realty Solutions. An infrastructural project, Lake View City is a township that primarily comprises of residential plots in phulera and commercial plots in phulera . Phulera, a district in Jaipur, is where this township is located. The place has the serenity of a cultural city and yet the dynamism of a business city in making. In fact, it is this unique flavor that tempted the Am Realty group to invest in his part of the country.

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Why is the working community driven towards Jaipur?

Phulera residential plots have witnessed a rate hike in the past one year and the ‘trade gurus’ are certain that these Phulera properties will continue to enjoy the hike. Amongst various factors like the DMIC project, upcoming airport, the biggest solar plant and tourist attractions, Mahindra World City (MWC), which is just a few kms from Phulera townships like Lake View City, is believed to be a strong crowd puller. Companies have opened their branches in various parts of India, especially the northern hemisphere, but why is this commercialization drive in Phulera or Jaipur in particular, so important and how are the two connected?

The book of Jaipur’s residential real estate scenario has a pertinent chapter that talks about the qualified workforce relocating from the National Capital Region to this city. In fact, because the IT/ITeS companies have picked Jaipur as the preferred location for their offices, professionals are driven to Pink City. But as the case is, there is no dearth of work in Delhi and areas around say Gurgaon or Noida; why then move to Jaipur?

The companies and workers have opted to be in Jaipur because first, the city has an elegant image and secondly, when it comes to the standard of living in Jaipur vis-à-vis Delhi, at the same price, an up gradation in definite. The cost of settling down, all thanks to the Jaipur property prices, is way lower than Delhi and thus pulling off a lavish lifestyle is on the cards. With amenities available, Jaipur real estate is a progressing picture.

Phulera side of the story

When it comes to commercialization and related real estate residential property scenario, Phulera is simply following the footsteps of Jaipur. MWC (Mahindra World City) has attracted the corporate sector and again, being here is even cheaper than being in Jaipur; which given Phulera’s development is an equally tempting deal. Now when the companies have found solace in this corner, they need workforce and thus, employment offers are being sent to all nearby areas including parts of Delhi and Rajasthan. The Delhi working populace, which is particularly tired of expensive housing scenario in Delhi, is looking for a vent. Spacious homes and well laid out residential plots of Phulera thus present an alluring offer.

Job opportunities have been created in Phulera, national highway 8 makes road travel easy, the Phulera station is included in DMIC plans and the airport is underway. Places of tourist interest have always existed and the upcoming townships like Am Realty Solution’s Lake View City manage the standard of living part. No wonder, the business community and professional workforce is seriously contemplating the notion of investing in Phulera residential plots and Phulera commercial plots.

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Property bubble is bursting … move when there still is time!

Plots in Phulera, Jaipur can provide an immediate escape route from the property bubble that has begun to explode in Delhi. Location is considered to be the most valuable determinant of a property’s value. If one can zero down on the most appropriate address for property investment, returns are guaranteed. Delhi, the capital city, since the last few decades has been a hot pick when it comes to property location. In fact, it is on account of this pertinent fact that the real estate scenario in the political capital of the country witnessed a boon. However, since last few months or about the year, the property prices have started to move in the other direction.

Rules of the game have begun to change. While earlier, sellers enjoyed the demanding position, buyers are now beginning to take charge. Basically, the schema has witnessed a transition and here is the explanation for the cause. Given the high property prices, quite a large population that owned independent houses in Delhi traded hands with builders. These independent houses have been converted to multi storied buildings and given the property prices, families that earlier resided in big houses, moved to floors. Spaces have been created, which earlier didn’t existed. Buyers, who were earlier unable to find lucrative and affordable property deals, are now finding ample options, all thanks to floors available.

From an investor’s perspective, this is not the right time to enter the real estate market of Delhi or NCR and in fact, if there are current investments, it makes sense to sell and perhaps buy other alternates that commit better returns, in relatively shorter time span.

Phulera plots as an investment avenue

Residential plots in Phulera offer a viable exit strategy. Selling off a seemingly trivial chunk of property in Delhi can perhaps help generate the cash flow needed to buy a way better positioned and reasonably sized piece of real estate in Phulera. The commercial plots in Phulera and residential plots are already in much demand and given the development the area is undergoing, impressive hikes are definite.

For investors who have been anxiously waiting for their properties in Delhi and regions nearby to generate valuable returns, which haven’t really worked, Phulera, Jaipur properties are a welcome respite. Corporate sector has trusted this portion of the desert and business community is already moving in sync with the DMIC project. As for real estate investors, all cues are in place and a move towards Phulera plots is on the cards.

Hits: 5819

Property … a worthwhile inclusion in the investment portfolio???

Once upon a time, investment in property was considered to be the most fruitful saving schema. With a plot tucked in, in the asset portfolio, life was free of tensions. Whenever money was needed, say there was a wedding in the family or a major surgery underway or parents thought about sending a kid abroad, this property helped. Things now however have changed and as far as the scope of this article is concerned we are covering the real estate scenario of Delhi in particular and the areas nearby.

The property in Delhi now is not as reasonably priced or reliable. The prices are sky high and the trend has been maintained since a few years now. Thus, sparing funds for investment in real estate typically implies pulling out all one ever has had and adding up a loan and hence if manageable, securing a small piece of the capital land. The effort would have been worthwhile, had the returns been impressive enough. Despite making such tremendous monetary efforts, the property in Delhi is not committing any sort of decent returns. In fact, the prices have already been sky high and expecting any further increase is simply an illusion. Thus, while it would erode all cash to buy a property slice in Delhi, any easy benefits seem difficult. No wonder, people are trying their luck with alternates like stocks and commodities.

Stocks and commodities versus property

Stocks and commodities follow global trends and for an investor to make money out of these options, an understanding of the various micro and macro changes impacting the movements is pretty relevant. But how many of us really do try to figure out the dynamics here? Aren’t we inviting losses? But if property is out of range and a stay away warning from stocks and commodities is on the banner, where should one invest?

Investment in real estate is a safe heaven; however; investment in over priced properties or plots makes no sense. The idea is to find a third option and that is provided by Phulera residential plots and Phulera commercial plots.

The residential properties of Phulera and the commercial plots aptly qualify in the reasonable price and reliable property definition. Phulera plots and townships are still available at a price, much lower than Delhi properties and thus are way more affordable. As far as returns are concerned, Phulera a district in Jaipur is witnessing massive commercial growth. The DMIC i.e. Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor project has noted Phulera junction as a node in the railway route and this simply ensures that for logistic reasons and warehouse requirements, Phulera will serve the purpose. Thus, with low investment mandates, plots in Phulera are like a gigantic money tree in making.

Hits: 5870

How to find the best place to invest around Delhi?

Given the property prices in Delhi, as a real estate investor, it obviously makes larger sense to find areas around the capital city, which are lucrative, reachable and yet not as expensive. But what defines lucrative? From real estate investment perspective, an offer is lucrative if it commits growth. Growth … what all does that includes?

Well, explaining the above stated would be easier, if we worked with a real time illustration, say the Phulera plots.

Phulera residential and commercial plots would make a good case study in this situation as they are located in Jaipur, which is not very far from Delhi and in the last few years, investors from Delhi and NCR have shown reasonable interest in Phulera properties.

Plots in Phulera, Jaipur are a good investment opportunity because they are on the growing side of the property curve. Real estate investment analysts allot specific positions to different areas on the investment curve. All areas follow a specific trend. As the development begins, like in Phulera, the property tends to move up the demand curve i.e. it becomes lucrative.

The prices only start moving when popularity begins. This is the best time to enter the investment process because the area has already caught reasonable attention and yet, is far away from saturation. Profits at this stage are at their highest and thus plots in Phulera are being considered pretty lucrative. At the next stage, once initial investors have made their purchases, buyers who actually intend to inhibit start with the property search prospect and this is when money starts clicking. After a number of years, when the area is fully developed, like in case of Delhi, real estate prices reach a hike and tend to stagnate. In this phase, the monetary requirements are high, but returns are not as impressive. On the other hand, when the property is in its growth stages, like the case of Phulera residential plots, investment is low, while the return percentage is promising.


Phulera plots are lucrative; all thanks to the location benefits and additionally, being in the initial phase of real estate investment graph, they commit growth. They are not as expensive and reaching Phulera is way too convenient. Considering how property in Jaipur city has picked up and given the link with the DMIC project, it is quite certain that Phulera would contribute to massive real estate expansion drive in the region. Thus logically analyzing the scenario, if the idea is to zero down on an investment opportunity near the national capital region, Phulera plots are a tremendously profitable prospect.

All these locational advantages makes investment in "Lake View City" a futuristic and profitable investment.

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Options confirm popularity at Phulera

A random online search for Phulera plots, residential and commercial establishments yields a handsome number of query results. The Google space is perhaps bombarded by people and builder groups attempting to sell and buy plots in Phulera, Jaipur. Property in Jaipur, since a few years, has been a hot pick. This popularity of Phulera plots is however recent. But despite being current, residential plots in Phulera and other real estate investment offers in region, have garnered definite attention. This sudden interest in Phulera’s real estate scenario leads to two critical matters viz.:

  1. Why are Phulera plots suddenly so important?
  2. What are the repercussions of this competition on the Phulera investment scenario?

The secret to Phulera’s popularity

Being a municipality in Jaipur, Phulera enjoys Rajasthan’s generic charm; this however is nothing new. A number of educational institutes and setups are established around the area; but again they have existed since a while. The place has a Sambhar Lake with its boat rides and bird watching and Shakambari Temple to pull tourists; but again these places of tourist interest date back to ancient civilization. National Highway 8 definitely made the area more reachable via road, but that too is sort of old news. What is then new about Phulera that has all of a sudden pulled up buyers and sellers?

Oil hasn’t been recovered from the Phulera soil and neither have the diggers found unexpected gold reserves in the area. Instead, government’s ambitious DMIC project has identified the Phulera junction as a station in the route chart. The biggest solar plant is coming up in vicinity and the airport is already under construction. The Mahindra World City has exploded in a big way and the massive commercial drive, forced a residential cover up, hence the popularity and demand of Phulera residential plots.

The competition in Phulera real estate: Good or Bad

Competition in any market is a boon for consumers / buyers. Competition simply implies that there is more than one seller and thus, none of the sellers enjoy monopoly. They have to compete with each other and to keep up with the competition, which is pretty fierce in the Phulera plot scenario, they have to offer best rates and maintain as much transparency in the selling process / offer.

In fact, competition not just pulls down the price, it also forces the sellers (builders in this case), to add more to the offer. As for buyers / property investors looking at Am Realty Solution’s Phulera plots in Lake View City, this fact has led to deal inclusions like special architectural inclusions, inputs from horticulture experts, additional inputs from Vastu professionals and more.

Besides, contest in real estate like residential plots in Phulera also confirms that the uptrend in Phulera investment scenario is for the real. Had there been a flaw, not many reputed builders like Am Realty would have invested in Phulera commercial plots. The seal of authenticity is thus embedded in the concept of competition.

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